About Francis Lee

Francis came to Australia at the tender age of 16. He graduated from Sydney University and completed a Master degree in structural engineering from the University of New South Wales, winning the Senior Prize in Civil Engineering upon graduation…
李潤輝早年來自香港,畢業于澳洲雪梨大學(工程學士)及新南威爾斯大學(碩士), 並榮獲高級土木工程獎. 其後出任公務局土木工程師及環保工程主任,且成為官方翻譯員。 未幾開始兼職播音工作,于1993年全身投入廣播事業…
Welcome to Universe Books
What awaits a migrant on the distant shore?
Will he find empathy and friendship,
Or bias or indifference?
What are his aspirations and what are the challenges?
Welcome to <Out of Bounds: Journey of a migrant> and accompany a sixteen-year-old boy on his journey through the weird and wonderful years of study, romance, career and politics.
An engineer, broadcaster, writer, translator and cartoonist, Francis Lee has also written two bilingual collections of short stories incorporating the all-too-powerful usage of English idioms.
Books to promote intercultural love and understanding.
Featured Books
Out of Bounds: Journey of a migrant
Francis invites readers to join him as he relives the joy, the struggle, and the anxiety he experienced as a newcomer, at a time when the new Australia was slowly emerging …
English Idioms: a cultural fascination
The Chinese say, “A marriage across thousands of miles can be linked by a tiny thread”. Isn’t that true with our destiny?
(Chinese version)
English Idioms: under the lucky stars
Will our lucky stars ensure our well-being in the new millennium? In this book the author explores...