李潤輝十六嵗來自香港,畢業于澳洲雪梨大學 (工程學士) 及新南威爾斯大學 (碩士), 並榮獲高級土木工程獎 , 其後出任公務局土木工程師及環保工程主任, 他亦是高级翻譯員。
稍後他開始兼職播音工作,於1993年全身投入廣播/寫作事業。曾著有兩本中英對照文集 <英語口頭禪-人生舞台> 及
<英語口頭禪-紀元星輝>,都是著重於語言、文化和人物態度為題材。他的豐富人生經驗及對生命的體會和情感都盡情流露於退休後的作品<步出雷池:一個移民的旅程> 裏, 此書並設有英文版 <Out of Bounds: Journey of a migrant>。最新著作是英语教材 <English: Wonder in a Nutshell>。
李潤輝是前澳洲 SBS 電臺中文廣東話組組長 (於2008年三月退休),亦是澳亞傳媒協會創會主席、前悉尼華文作家協會副會長及前澳華論壇會長。於 2004 年榮獲澳洲日 OAM 勳銜。
Francis came to Australia at the tender age of 16. He graduated from Sydney University and completed a Master degree in structural engineering from the University of New South Wales, winning the Senior Prize in Civil Engineering upon graduation. He became a design engineer and later the Environmental Engineer of Public Works Department. He is also a highly qualified translator.
In 1993 he followed his heart and assumed a full-time position as a journalist/broadcaster/writer. He has since written two bi-lingual essay collections: <English Idioms: a cultural fascination> and <English Idioms: under the lucky stars>, with emphasis on cultures and attitudes. His unique experience over the years, together with his deep insight into events and rich feelings on life in general have all come together and fused into his post-retirement book: <Out of Bounds: Journey of a migrant>. The book also features a Chinese version <步出雷池:一個移民的旅程>. His latest book is on English teaching:<English: Wonder in a Nutshell>.
Francis was the Head of the Chinese Cantonese Group at SBS Radio – a national broadcaster, until his retirement in March 2008. He is the founding Chairman of Asian Media Council of Australia, founder and former President of Australian Chinese Forum of Australia and former Vice President of Sydney Chinese Writers’ Association. He still holds executive and honorary posts in several community organizations.
He was awarded the Order of Australia Medallion (OAM) on Australia Day of 2004 for contribution to the community.